Theater der Zeit


ixypsilonzett 2/2005

Children's and Young People's Theatre in Germany

6,00 € (Rückstichheftung)

Erschienen im September 2005

Gedruckte Ausgabe

Rückstichheftung mit 32 Seiten

Format: 210 × 280 mm

sofort lieferbar

versandfertig in 1-3 Werktagen

portofrei nach Deutschland

Versandkosten ins Ausland anzeigen

Ausgabe auf Englisch

Every three years, the members of the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ) meet at their global congress. Now it is 2005 and it is our 15th congress from the 20th until the 30th September in Montreal. Itwill be an autumn ofcolours from around the world, a season of youth. More than three dozen shows are the foeus of events, followed by discussion forums, exhibitions for...


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