Theater der Zeit


Dealing with the unknown

Thoughts on the circus

Fantasies of omnipotence are part of the circus. But they can also be found in every revolution and in every REBELLION OF EMOTIONS. We saw that in the student protests. It led to the question: how does a political intelligentsia, trained in academic artistry, react to the robustness of society, which is based on labour, technical skill and the will to survive? In short: how do the arts relate to the heights of the big top and the earth of the arena? How do they stay down-to-earth at all?”1

von Jenny Patschovsky und Alexander Kluge

Erschienen in: Arbeitsbuch 2022: Circus in flux – Zeitgenössischer Zirkus (07/2022)

Assoziationen: Zirkus

Jenny Patschovsky: Mr Kluge, in your book “Circus Commentary” you juxtapose academic detachment and down-to-earth practicality using the circus as a metaphor. Could the circus also act as a bridge between these two sides?

Alexander Kluge: The circus has two levels that go beyond what theatre can represent. One is the performers in the big top, the human feeling of omnipotence, which has been a driving force since the founding of the circus in the French Revolution. This is not just a drive, not just a desire for sensation, it is also a self-affirmation of what humans can do. And this principle exists when you tame animals in the ring. And in the big top when you can make people fly, as it were, even though they aren’t aeroplanes, that’s artistry. That’s one side. And the other side, the down-to-earth side, is that due to their origin, that is, because of evolution, animals really don’t obey. That they basically cannot be tyran­nised by people, that they have a will of their own. ­Naturally that’s something I find fascinating about the circus: that we are constantly confronted with this ­parallel world of animals, with that which cannot be tamed, which cannot...

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