Theater der Zeit


Puppets run by bigger forces

Interview with Shahar Marom about the Jerusalem Giant Puppet Parade

In August 2023, Mascha Erbelding attended the Jerusalem International Puppet Festival. The festival was a showcase of the Israeli puppet and visual theatre, featuring productions that highlighted the originality and innovative capabilities of Israeli puppeteers. Instead of a planned festival report, double decided to ask Shahar Marom, the artistic co-director of the Train Theatre in Jerusalem, for an interview about the upcoming Giant Puppet Parade scheduled for 25 March 2024. And about life in Israel during times of war. Mascha Erbelding connected with Shahar Marom via Zoom in January.

von Mascha Erbelding und Shahar Marom

Erschienen in: double 49: Das Ding mit dem Körper – Zeitgenössischer Zirkus und Figurentheater (04/2024)

Mascha Erbelding: How is the situation in Israel? Are theatres open? Can you work as usual?

Shahar Marom: The 7th of October, of course, for all the population in Israel, is like a big blow, a big thing in a lot of aspects. Aspects of livelihood of a lot of people and the feeling of security inside the country and about the future and also - I'm just talking about the cultural field - in the international aspect. But now, after three months, we're in a different situation. The war is still going on. And a lot of people are still evacuated from their houses. But at the Train Theatre, we are working like crazy. So, it's kind of a work life. I can tell you just from the small life of the theatre, not from the Israeli perspective but from our perspective, since the war began on the 7th of October, for two weeks, we were like: What are we going to do? Everybody was really afraid. Afraid that things like this are going to happen all over. I built something to hold the door for my shelter in my house in Tel Aviv, so people can't enter it....

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