Encounter, time, trust
On perseverance in large projects
Erschienen in: Arbeitsbuch 2019: Luk Perceval (07/2019)
“Come here, let me introduce you to a friend.”
I am writing on the train to Hamburg, old home port and a central location for our shared work in recent years, the meeting place of our shared history. Since then we have both weighed our anchors and set off again. Our shared journey, the one that would take us to Hamburg, began in Berlin in autumn 2006.
Come here, let me introduce you to a friend, she said, pulling me over to a quieter corner of the room. There, leaning against the wall, was a man I didn’t know, a silent observer, of restrained appearance but with an open nature, at peace with himself yet alert, curious in his gaze. A dear friend, she said, with whom she had already worked a lot and who was just then looking for a young actress for an upcoming project. She herself couldn’t do it. And then she thought of me.
So chance and the instinct of a friend and colleague, who believed that two people might make a good match, led us to each other. This was an encounter that was to expand enormously, grow, and shape me artistically. But that evening...