Claudia Hill
is a cross-disciplinary artist. Her subject is the body in relation to textile, performance, and community-building. Her work ranges from costume design to film-making via drawing, an artists’ book, and visual interventions e.g. at ZKM, Live Arts Week, Bologna, or Centre Pompidou. As a costume de - signer she collaborated with choreographer William Forsythe as well as the New York based ensemble The Wooster Group and worked on artists’ films with Michaël Borremans and Boris Achour or Lucie Tuma’s performance sculptures. She was part of various performances developed at HAU Hebbel am Ufer by Meg Stuart e.g. “Hunter” and “Sketches/ Notebook”. She is part of the artist group Supernova which developed out of the framework of “Sketches/Notebook”.
Stand: 2018 (Datum der letzten Veröffentlichung bei Theater der Zeit)