Theater der Zeit


Performing the Fractured Puppet Self

Employing auto-ethnopuppetry to portray and challenge cultural and personal constructions of the disabled body

The play “Pupa" was the apotheosis of my PhD research. The stories collected, the many wonderful books I read, the development of an exo-skeleton; these were all steps in this research, culminating in a play which wove participants’ and my narrative together with fairy tales such as Pinocchio. The below text is an extract from my 2018 PhD thesis.1 Part of this text was altered so it could be read apart from the thesis.

von Emma Fisher

Erschienen in: double 43: Barrieren | frei – Zugänge zum Figurentheater (04/2021)

Assoziationen: Puppen-, Figuren- & Objekttheater Europa Debatte Wissenschaft

Myself and my supervisor Michael Finneran set out on this academic peregrination in 2014, and we were soon joined by a team of formidable conspirators. Initially by research participants who were a group of artists with disabilities that aided me in probing what it means to be disabled and also made up part of the team that created “Pupa".2 Through our frank interviews, I learned a lot about how disabled people view themselves, but also how they feel they are being perceived. I also learned a great deal about how I personally viewed myself and how I had let my perspective of how I was viewed affect my pride in my bodily difference.

Coming out as disabled

The realisation that I had not ‘come out’ as disabled happened through a culmination of events. First, attending Ann Blake's performance of her own play “Overnight Minority Report“3 and seeing an honest portrayal of what it was to struggle with a new identity and to ‘come out’ as gay in your 30s. I had never considered myself disabled and I didn’t realise I was hiding part of myself. Blake talks about being out with her partner, her partner reached for her...

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